3 min readSep 8, 2019


What you are looking at is a ‘painting’, created using the world’s first Flexseal monoprint using the liquid rubber as both medium and printing plate. A few weeks ago, I wrote a little article about “firsts” using experiential ideas. I was literally hinting at this discovery but put it off due to touring and recording.

“Realized #1”, my first successful work using a Flexseal Monoprinting Plate (and also as a medium).

I am not going to claim that I am the first painter to use #Flexseal as a painting medium. But I am the first to make rubber printing plates and monoprints via a technique that is squarely my own my creating original rubber molds from a piece of art.

The process of making the rubber printing plates started early this year when the strangest methods of monoprints started to enter into my journal. I wanted to use odd materials such as pasta, dirt, and wire, and avoid traditional means of printing such as woodblocks. I don’t loathe linoleum blocks, but I am not a carver. I like using different materials for a unique experience with the work. But This stuff could take linoleum out of the picture completely for me.

These are the first monoprints I made using a Flexseal printing plate.

The idea of using liquid rubber literally popped into my head as I watched one of those silly commercials where they cut a boat in half and the guy pours liquid rubber into a pan… and I set out to experiment immediately.

This plate turned out horrible. The rubber stuck to the mold. I perfected it, but it took a long time.

In those early stages, I sought out techniques for creating rubber printing plates from this stuff, thinking that surely someone had done it before, but alas, no one had. Not only was I the first, but I also became an explorer in the wilderness. There was nothing on this, so I went at it full force.

The 1st Flexseal Rubber Printing Plate, documented on 4–27–2019

My early experiments with Flexseal were atrocious, and I learned how not to create rubber printing plates. It was a messy journey and I almost gave up on several occasions. But I documented every step, and I learned from every failure. I became determined.

The first Flexseal failure when I tried to make a rubber printing plate.

A site with all my new work is up although not quite finished, and I’ve posted the first videos of the “flexible art” too. It’s been a journey, to be sure. This post seals the deal. I’m staking my claim as the first. The question I have is this: Will I also be the last printmaker to create #flexsealart?


I am not in any way associated with the #Flexseal company, nor am I endorsed by them, but I would not mind it at all if they decided to. I have some really large works planned, and a myriad of creative ideas for this material.




クロード (Claude) paints & makes music for you. Why you? Why not you? Don’t you know? You are special! https://anythingbox.com